Irish Seed Savers Home2024-03-19T15:07:27+00:00

What we do

We cultivate heritage apple trees and vegetable seeds, preserve them in our seed and field bank, and share the surplus produce with the public to help conserve these varieties.

  • Conserve the National Heritage Collection of Irish Apple Trees.
  • Ireland’s only living public seedbank
  • Research to identify heritage varieties
  • Educate our community
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Our Vision

All people have access to healthy and nutritious food grown within sustainable food systems that positively support biodiversity in balance with the natural environment.

Our Mission

Irish Seed Savers is an environmental not-for-profit organisation. We Conserve, Protect and Utilise Ireland’s diverse genetic food crop heritage, safeguarding food crop biodiversity for present and future generations, and we Educate in the sustainable and ethical use of these precious resources.

News and Events

1508, 2024

Join the search for heritage fruit trees and hops!

By |August 15th, 2024|Categories: News, Research & Conservation|Comments Off on Join the search for heritage fruit trees and hops!

In 2024, Irish Seed Savers received funding from The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's Genetic Resources Grant Aid Scheme (GRGAS) to expand the National Heritage Fruit Tree Collection. This project focuses on finding rare varieties of plums, damsons, gages, bullaces, and pears. We need your help [...]

1508, 2024

Seeds to Sow & Grow in Autumn

By |August 15th, 2024|Categories: What to Sow Now|Comments Off on Seeds to Sow & Grow in Autumn

As the season changes to autumn it's time to consider what vegetable varieties can be grown during autumn and into winter. Although the rate of growth slows in the winter there are still plenty of smaller plants that will thrive and give you a fresh harvest, even in [...]

1408, 2024

Celebrate National Heritage Week at Irish Seed Savers

By |August 14th, 2024|Categories: Events, News|Comments Off on Celebrate National Heritage Week at Irish Seed Savers

Get ready to immerse yourself in the wonders of Ireland's agricultural heritage for National Heritage Week 2024! This August, mark your calendars for an unforgettable experience at Irish Seed Savers in County Clare. Join us on Saturday, August 24th, for a day of free guided tours through the [...]

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Supported in part by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme. We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

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